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When recommended by the leadership of their congregation, lay members of the
church may be licensed by the Bishop to distribute the communion elements or
participate significantly in the worship of the church. By canon, the Bishop's Office
needs to keep a record of all lay licenses for Eucharistic Visitor, Eucharist Minister,
Worship leader, and any other lay license the Bishop approves.
These are renewed every year, beginning at the beginning of each new year.
Lay Ministers must be baptized, and confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church.
In addition, those who minister as Eucharistic Visitors and Worship Leaders must be up-to-date in thier Safeguarding training.

Licensing Positions:
WORSHIP LEADER: The canons define a Worship Leader as a lay person who regularly leads public worship under the direction of the Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTER: A Eucharistic Minister is a lay person authorized to administer the Consecrated Elements at a Celebration of Holy Eucharist. A Eucharistic Minister should normally act under the direction of a Deacon, if any, or otherwise, the Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith.

EUCHARISTIC VISITOR:  A Eucharistic Visitor is a lay person authorized to take the Consecrated Elements in a timely manner following a Celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at the Celebration. A Eucharistic Visitor should normally act under the direction of a Deacon, if any, or otherwise, the Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith.

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